September 01, 2006

went to tutorial today and I would say that the session has much more interactions than I thought it would turn out. Firstly, we were tossing this ball and calling out each other's name and asking which faculty are they from. The process proceeded with more balls and it was quite chaotic.

Okay, I am going to give a very bias comment. I felt that people from English major are a little different from other faculties. I am not sure why but I just can't click with people who are English major despite some efforts put in. I suppose I should try harder next time ya?

I think i also did something that I don't usually do in class. That is to answer the tutor's question. Seriously, I can't stand the momentary silence that always persist when the tutor ask certain questions. That's why I will just answer anything that I want to. It is not attention seeking but I rather get it over with rather than waiting for the tutor to ask and beg for answers. I really don't want to waste this time of mine.

Actually, found that one of the guys that I don't really know is quite charismatic. He answers the questions in a way that turned out to be appealing to the ear. I am just so bad at talking. Even got nervous when I was suppose to give a brief introduction about myself. Haha.... I thought I have overcomed this fear of mine but apparently, I think I need more practice. Haha....

that's all for my tutorial class
comments: fun if people open up a little more and interact more. haha....

1 comment:

Snow Angel said...

Hey your blog got double same post!!

What's different about English major students? haha