September 25, 2012

the solution

leave on time, don't bring laptop, and ________.

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.9

September 24, 2012


trolls at work
think I will just heck care already... why waste my time to help and motivate them

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.9

September 20, 2012

majority overeating..... manzzz.....

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.9

September 19, 2012


hope that you can get through Friday and be my lunchie kaki!!!! HAHAHA

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.9

September 18, 2012


as many who follows bloggers or Twitter might already know... today is the launch of nuffnangx. my guess that it combines the social media into one platform is incorrect but I'm still impressed (even though I think it has crashed and still recovering or maybe it's my internet connection) hahaha
but anyway, really smart idea but think they will still need a little tad more time to resolve various issues like unable to claim your blog intuitively or clicking on any options will lead you to set up your newsfeed.

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.9

September 17, 2012

running nose

the work load has taken a toll on me 
think I am not up to working OT....
God help me... I'm in the wrong career

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.9

September 15, 2012

no more napping

After taking on the new projects , I haven't been napping... maybe that's the reason why I (think I) slim down 
Should be ♥♥♥ ing it right?? Hahha

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.9

Saturday morning

it's interesting to see the news and pictures of topless duchess
At least now we know hers are natural
Guess the royalties are getting liberal

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.9

September 13, 2012

iphone 5

A nice model... as they said....
Not outrageously upset after hearing what it has to offer But I would have love to have The design
Getting used to S3. It's just the predictive text that irks me the most.. internet navigation useability is I would say average.

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.9