July 20, 2004

sO lOnG~~

Haven’t been blogging for quite a while, due to many things that have happened in my life. Having performances, buying clothes, bags, shoes and hopefully a new wallet too and excited about going to school to know new friends and activity partners. I’m not sure about other people who are going into university but it seems that I am not the least frightened, I’m looking forward to it totally. YEAH!!!!

Maybe people will start to worry about getting used to the new environment and the unknown future that beholds. With my understanding of myself, I should get used relatively fast and I don’t really bother about the future. Now you know the Samantha who is writing this blog. I’m kind of in a hyper mood, though I’m not sure why is that so. Maybe too much childhood memories have overwhelmed me yesterday.

I have been getting frustrated with my handphone recently because apparently, there is a problem with the LCD where lines start to appear and making a square out of them. Initially, I wasn’t frustrated due to the fact that the phone is under a year’s of warranty and the all repairs should be free. But when I took the warranty card out and read through the details, there is portion that wrote that I need to mail back within seven days of purchasing of the phone or the warranty will be nulled. Due to the fact that I have been living in Singapore, the nanny state, for far too long , I only learnt how to obey rules. I went to a state where my mind is unstable and if I have hurt anybody in the process, I would like to apologise. Have been worrying about the warranty even when I was in front of the service counter on sunday. I just told the service officer that I have this problem where the LCD have lines appearing on it and showed my phone to him. He just took a look at my phone and asked me for the warranty card. My mind was starting to make preparation for an argument where the company that I bought the phone from did not tell me about mailing the warranty card(which is true).

However, the person didn’t look up at all, he just wrote the problem and the details and asked me to sign thereafter. I was kind of in shock because everything was going on fine and he didn’t even start an argument. All the worry that I have been suffering through was all for nothing. That seems to be one of my shortcomings, becoming frustrated over nothing. Sometimes, I really want to laugh about my stupidity over certain things. Maybe that’s how all of us grow out of ourselves, finding how stupid we have been through the years. I’m not surprised with people who don’t because they chose to remain at a certain stage of their life. Are the afraid to take up new challenges or they just want to hold on to what they have, afraid that they will one day forget how they have lived when they are younger.

Let’s put it this way, when we are young and demanded stuffs like cd player that seemingly are cheaper to those of other brands, thus many of us begged our parents and get angry with them when we can’t have it as our birthday present. Some people bear a grudge over this matter and claimed that their parents don’t love them I’m guilty of this too. haha…. I’m always not contented with things that I have until I lost them and I will start to regret. As I grow older, I learn to appreciate things that may seem small. Something that I’m really glad that I’ve overcome partially now although there are still times where such urges do come back. (I’m contented with my phone. :D)

Maybe that’s why the Nigerians are the happiest people on earth. (if you don’t have an idea why I brought the Nigerians in, you should read the Straits Times today) with no material needs, they just need to have a home and food to eat, nothing else matter anymore. Maybe I should also seek this path of life, which is an ideal. I just can’t bear to let go of my computer and handphone and things that have integrated into our life. that’s why it’s best to start with nothing because you no longer yearn it and have an environment where having the latest products does not matter at all.

Okay, there’s one phenomenon that I noticed when was standing at the mrt platform. Females at the platform will always glance at the glass panels when they are walking or standing in front of the platform. I’m not too sure about the reason why? Admiring their beautiful builds? Anybody care to enlighten me so as to why they do that? Maybe I will explore this area in later issues. Haha…


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