I AM TOTALLY ADDICTED TO POKEMON PEARL and I am really considering buying DS lite because of it. *struggle struggle****
I'm sure everybody should know of the existence of pokemon...... I used to play it when the first version (I think should be red version) came out. Was able to complete it that time and I remember it was black and white in colour because it was played on gameboy.
After that, I think I played a little bit of yellow version and didn't play anymore because they keep changing the characters and I no longer feel it is original anymore until....... I PLAYED the PEARL version. I do admit that the pokemons changed quite abit but the story has lots of fun elements in it!
For example, there's team battle whereby we can connect to wifi to play with other people. There is also team battles where sometimes, there are people who join you or when there are two enemies that come out, we get to choose two characters from our side! However, the story is likely to be the same as far as I have played. AND THE BEST PART IS+++++ it is in colour!!!! It makes the game much more appealing than ever~~~~ we are not talking about gameboy colour but DS colour~~~~
so that's my new craze!!! someone please advice me whether I should buy anot man cause I really have the urge now!!!
i heard abt ds lite from xiaxue's blog and it sounds FUN!!! i like her desciprtion on the "guess the murderer" sort of game. buy it! she also made a comparison btw lite and ps 2 and lite seemed to be better in a lot of ways
haha... alamak man.... so tempted
yeah u can visit her blog at www.xiaxue.blogspot.com hee i think u will buy it after visiting her site hee!
I do read her blog quite often. haha....
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