December 28, 2012

Myer Briggs

Basically in Singapore, the popular test that everybody might already know is the DISC assessment where you are grouped into 4 major groups, namely dominant, inducement, submission and compliance. Everybody will have at least one dominant group while having a secondary characteristic. I took this test when I was in secondary school as well as junior college and was rather upset by the results (they yield the same result). There are inherent points that I could not agree on for the descripton of the trait that I was bestowed and it did bother me for a while.

As I grow older (and hopefully wiser), I have gotten to terms of the category that I am put into and didn't think too much about it. A friend later recommended for me to try myer briggs as she felt that it is pretty accurate and could let me understand myself more. From the results, I think it gave me a little more insight than DISC as there are 16 categories based on permutation of 4 different traits.  I found myself nodding to the descriptions that were described so I guess it is pretty accurate or at least more accurate than DISC. I talked to a psychology major friend of mine and she mentioned to me that the personality assessment is based on very bizarre theories that she could not accept (similar to Sigmund Freud). Whatever it is, give it a try if you seek to find out more about yourself.

P/s: I just did a Hartman personality test and it mentioned things that I find surprisingly true for myself.

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