August 13, 2005

yesterday was a tiring day, having to stay in school from 8am to 8 pm. i get to meet 2 more lecturers and i find them very interesting although one of them was criticising all faculties except arts and social sciences. one of them dun even provide lecture notes! it could be due to the nature of the course though or he was plain lazy.. heehee...
however, i foresee many projects to be done this semester and i'm pretty "excited" over it. i even got one more project member when attending the lecture. that was pretty good for the 10 sec introduction and even exchanged numbers. hahaz....
really hope that i can improve on my interpersonal skills.

my mum also won the neopets jackpot after like 2 years of playing the game. congrats to her perseverence~~ now we know what will happen when IR is operating.

jeremiah's hair looks better before his haircut (>_<) i actually think that elvin also went for a haircut but he was wearing a cap to cover his hair so i can't see really clearly. jie ting also cut her fringe and i think it's pretty good and the latest in fashion style. but asking me to cut my fringe is an impossible task since i took a lot of trouble to grow it to the length i have now.
decided to stay with my black hair abit longer since i'm still in love with my black hair. heehee....

thanks to jieting for buying us a hp dangling thingy but i still dun quite understand why i got the girl instead of the cat and the puffer fish... is there a conspiracy involved in it. :P
i also bought a hp dangling thing for them but haven't given them just yet. i am also thinking of changing my hp pouch to something purple in colour (since all my accessories are all going for a purple look)

oh ya, science bash's theme is abit er.... the theme is STRIP and featured 6 people in white bed. i still don't know why the blanket must be white? why can't it be striped (i am now in striped clothes) or purple or black or red? why must it be white??? if i remembered, they wrote something like it's for friends by friends. seriously, friends and strip and science don't seemingly to be in line with one another. science people are supposedly to be anti-social people that don't have friends and i think you could figure out why strip and science don't go along with one another. and i thought only philosophy students contradict (since i took reason and persuasion last last sem)hahaz...
anyway, kimberly thought it will have bad sales. if u ask me about it, i am not sure but somehow, i think kimberly may have predicted the right outcome since they use white blanket (which simply means that it will be a normal kind of bash. they are not daring enough to think differently. whatever happened to creative thinking...)

went i get back home, i bathed and sleep. it's like wth.... haha... i didn't even get to msn yesterday. it has been don't know how many years since i sleep so early in my life!!!

incohorent thoughts coming to a terrible end... hahaz...

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