June 18, 2004

frog in the well

As i'm going to make this blog public, i have edited some of my post so don't be surprised. haha..... I will also use a milder tone when approaching my topics so that i will not scare away my friends. :D
today, i was reading one of my friend's blog and i found out that i'm totally naive and could only see the cream of the cake. I'm impressed by how the readers commented and if you wish to see it for yourself, it's http://www.banedon.blogspot.com. do drop by and take a look.
after reading the blog, i felt ashamed of myself as i was not able to argue simple and major issues. I'm already 19 and do not wish to be labeled as naive when i step into the society. Thus, i better buck up and read more! to think of it, i really shouldn't blame the teachers for failing my gp. i really suck at it. oops.....
i will no longer be a frog in the well!


Wind said...

dear cloud,

being able to comment and argue on issues are good, reading more is also good, but to write like what some of your friends wrote is at best pointless banter. it is exactly what you suggested, a gp essay!

i know why you're regulating your blogs now, but don't forget about being true to yourself. there's always a danger of sliding down the slippery slope of mediocrity once you become too mindful of who is reading your blogs.


cloud_gal said...

thanks for the comment! it's a point to ponder upon. i will make sure that i will not try to restrict my thoughts due to the slight difference in the type of audience i'm getting now.(if you know what i mean) i'm only leaving out my personal life as I have a fear of being seen through by the others. Thanks for your advice. knocks something into my head Smilez!