I'm back from my 3-day desaru trip if u have not known yet. it's a seaside kind of place and i have to say, the water is so much cleaner than the water in sentosa and east coast but still, tioman is the best (although i never been there). thus, i made up my mind that i will be going to tioman someday with banedon. Yea.....
the first day was quite boring since we arrived at about 11 something with nobody there. NOT A SOUL.... so i just read my comic books and da vinci code and slept through the day. it was nice since i get to on the air con full blast the whole day, and the best thing is that i have a super big room to sleep in.
the next day was the most exciting of all three days and shall be the main theme in this blog. Actually, my cousins and i were planning to go for go kart riding and unfortunately, we went over the signboard and went to nearly 30km beyond the actual place. sighs....... it's super waste of time and the supposedly signboard that we saw was not there! there were like 3 of us seeing the signboard and POOF, it went missing!!! Argh.... impossible but on our way back, we didn't see the signboard. to think of it is kind of scary now. what if there were some genjutsu that is placed on three of us to make us have illusions that there was a signboard there? omg.... naruto is making me crazy....
so we went back and saw a pathetic go kart racing track and believe me... the sight of it made me not wanting to play it anymore. if i could just draw the map out and let u see it..... and there were only 3 pathetic go karts..... there were 7 of us!!!! and apparently, go kart was kind of out of our options.
Miracle came when we saw a mini version of all terrain vehicle drove pass us and the track looks so much enticing to play and it has been proven by me that it was fun. was nearly driving into bushes and the vehicle getting it's front tyres facing opposite directions was just some of the fun that i had on my ride. it was only RM20 for 30min. *advertising advertising*
but the real fun that i had that day was JETSKI!!!!! so fun!!!! omg!!!! really fun.... i was quite happy that i went for the trip because i get to ride this machine. it's actually just moving in the straight directions through the sea but when it was my turn, the wave was starting to get more aggressive and the jetski just started bouncing up and down and i was standing with my bro behind me! i was the driver okay and i was moving in top speed! cause all i did was just push the accelerator to the max and swerving around. it was really pure fun. i was thinking.... if i had the detachable front jetski, i should be bouncing up and down more vigorously. if u have a chance, just try it!!! mine was like RM180 for 60 min. it was cheap okay! *advertising advertising*
ate ramly burger and was super nice..... ramly burger in sg just cmi. i am not kidding. the one i ate in sg was nice initially but since the sauce was too sweet, i got kind of .... with it. *advertising advertising*
but jetski was the most memorable of all! super nice!!! wish i had one more ride of that! and when i went back to the bungalow we were staying, i just showered and pop into the bed without letting my hair dry. i was too tired u see and i suspect there are sunburn marks on my face. boy, you dun get too freaked out this evening okay?
so when i woke up, i just went downstairs and seeing there was nothing to do, i went up to read my da vinci code again. (the reason why i included this boring part is plainly to complain about something that will be stated below) i was too engrossed with the book and i think i spend the rest of the afternoon reading on it and everytime somebody comes into the room, they will tell me "i thought u were sleeping" and when i went downstairs to eat my dinner, my aunties told me "so lazy arh... now then wake up." i was like being framed of the charge i didn't commit. puzzled of why everybody is telling me the same thing, i asked one of my auntie why they were thinking i was sleeping. the answer i got " your mum says that u will sleep whenever there was spare time"
"..." i was "framed" by my own mum for being a pig that sleeps now and then. haha.... funny people. maybe it was due to the fact that i don't usually read books and the fact that i was reading one was some kind of oddity.
the third day was quite boring.... not much of a thing happened except we were cellebrating my uncle's and granny's birthday and waiting for a long time for my dad to catch up with his old khakis. but it was like 2-3 hours long. i was like stoning like hell. but what happened later proved to be worse. MY DAD'S CAR BROKE DOWN. and we had to travel home by taxi. it was something about the water pump that cannot pump the water into the engine and we had smoke coming out of the car. it was the first time i really encountered smoke. the fortunate thing was that we were in singapore near our house or else the consequences will be dire.
but the stupid taxi driver took a long road to reach my house. my mum and i was like ??? when our eyes met each other's cause we knew the way and seeing us knew the way and not some ignorant woman who don't know the way, i think the driver decided to turn back to the correct path and not leading us to city and back to my house.
thus, i came back being sound and safe and wrote this blog. :D
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