December 26, 2005
prefer goonzu actually because i dun have to keep killing monsters. pretty lazy huh... i also think i am getting more and more lazy. bidding is coming and i am still trying to think of what modules to take now. anyone have any recommendations.
desheng recommended jap 1 so maybe i would be taking jap 1 this sem. he said it was pretty easy and actually i am pretty interested to. will be checking out the timings later. hope it doesn't clash. checked out a few other modules and it all clashes with my core module. really hope that i can improve from this sem. hai.... must work extra hard next semester!!! jia you!
went to play guitar freak yesterday night due to urge actually. haha... i went down at about 2030h and ended the session at around 2300h. the faring for yesterday was pretty bad i would say since i would be offbeat for no reason. hope to improve somehow. will be going for a higher speed now since it's easier to look at the notes. must train my eyes to do it man. "D also went to eat jiang chong ji fan. ratings... hmm... still alright la. not fantastic and i still prefer the gong bao ji ding rice.
haven't gone for my sushi yet. haiz... my sushi... when is it coming man??!?!?! hope to eat it soon! and maybe for another round of drinking session. anybody reading this and has the urge as well can jio me. don't know what is happening to me man. haha... maybe i should jio my parents to drink at serangoon garden hawker centre cause the beer is very cheap. one bottle of carlsberg is only for 6 bucks!!! more importantly, they provide good service man! giving a whole bucket of ice and even a supposingly cooler (just a bigger bucket of ice) if u bought more than one bottle. pretty cool i would say since it is a hawker centre. i like the environment there too because it's cooling and relaxing~~~
i think i have to take advance driving test again cause it is expiring already and i haven't even contacted my instructor for any driving lessons. haiz... i am just so plain lazy man! haha....
so all in all~~ belated merry christmas to everyone and hope you looking forward to 2006 as much as i do! (since most of my frens will be turning 21 soon and that includes me too!!! haha... pretty excited over it man!)
December 22, 2005
then was sleeping just now, and someone called to wake me up that the results are out lor... so i went to check. then kns.... so many pple.... cannot get in through intenet explorer. so kelvin was telling me that dun use firefox then i knew wat to do next and that is...... to use firefox. HAHA.... n wah la..... i got in. the results... hmm.... no comments....
so that's all folks...
December 20, 2005
actually, wasn't really finding anything in particular since i just wanted to scroll through the blogskins and looking for something which have big fonts because i am quite irritated with the small fonts in my previous blog. stumbled upon the blog of the week, which is a magarita blog. actually, kind of like that blog too since, if u have not known, i have been having drinking craves these few days. hee... but i think that the picture wasn't really well placed so i decided to look at the other blogs by this creator and chance upon this blog layout. i think it's pretty cool since masquerade has always given me a feeling of mystery and excitement. i am not sure i am feeling this but i love it (although the fact that the fonts are small stil didn't change)
hope u guys like it too and i realised that i have been updating every week. it wasn't done on purpose but just the feeling of wanting to update. haha.... part of the blog was deleted and i can't think of it now. so i shall just end it here :D
the weekends aren't very happening anyway, just went to help out with performance. after the saturday performance, went to eat with DM guys at coffeeshop opposite punggol park (ps: there is no hougang park. heehee.....) like those guys actually cause they are very spontaneous, joke alot and they don't really mind me going (that's what i feel la.. maybe they are restricted to not say inappropriate things in order not to "pollute" me. haha....). Actually, was pretty hungry and managed to eat a 3 piece chicken set. it was filling!!! and pretty crispy but a little salty but i dun mind going there to eat again. it was the waiting time that really frustrates me cause i was hungry (i think i had a mild gastric that night). so they were joking like siao and we are laughing like siao... haha.....
this i have to say! this is the first time i see boy tear not once, not twice but thrice of laughter. very funny.... never seen him laugh until like that before. think he too high after not getting enough sleep the previous night. he even had to take tissue from me to wipe his tears.... really never seen him so happy. and actually, seeing him that happy makes me happy since i can't possibly make him that happy. haha.... this is actually a good break from our usual activity. to laugh like nobody's business. and guys are guys huh... i guess i can't do much about it. haha.... like to see xiao mei mei... cause i think there are pple who came down after clubbing. andrew was like "cannot turn back or else will be too obvious" haha.... too bad arh... i got the best view liaos....
actually, i am still trying to cope with the mild jealousy (maybe mild is not the word) that i had or else next time not fun anymore.
actually, sometimes, i think guys tend to restrict themselves whenever there's a girl around. and for me, i can accept those kind of things... maybe it's my looks that tell people that i am serious and all. cause in nus, i sort of get used to it. they are really a fun gang and if they don't mind, i wanna tag along. heehee.... never had such fun for a long time. i wanna hear them play the real thing as well cause i heard they are really very good players and i never been in any jams before. really wanna experience it! maybe i should go jamX someday.
really had fun that nite although i still gotta help on sunday and i managed to stay awake for the whole day. not bad for me i think.
oh ya oh ya... can u believe that there is a temple beside mohammud sultan road, somemore beside madam wong!!!! i was like OMG!!!! what a place to have a temple man!! haha..... if u dun believe me, next time when u go to double o, look opposite, there is a temple name hong san si and i even know the history! my fren was asking me whether i wanna go clubbing since we are there already. but i guess, after the performance, we didn't have any energy to club anymore.
when helping at the performance, can really see the younger generations have taken over us. they have quality sound and very good skills. just a pity that i dun have so much of the passion to continue on practising as hard. i told myself this, i will progress on my own. maybe just take the score and try out first. if i have the passion, i will go back and learn it even though i will be behind the younger generations.
music seems to surround me at this moment, i know i shouldn't let go since i still have the spare time to go and touch the instruments and the seniors are working much harder than me. maybe someday, i will go back and practice my guzheng even though my skills have rusted. its the ability that the instrument can make such a beautiful tune that makes me wanna go back and touch the instruments. no gradings for me since i don't want to be kept under a grading system. i know that through grading, you will be able to progress faster but what i feel now is that, music is for personal enjoyment and i don't want to be tied down by unnecessary stress. i am not that talented as well to be wanted back. just a hobby that shouldn't be let go so easily since i have put so much effort into it in the past.
December 13, 2005
Your Power Color Is Lime Green |
![]() At Your Highest: You are adventurous, witty, and a visionary. (wah seh... i am witty alright??? come, got vision somemore... haha....) At Your Lowest: You feel misunderstood, like you don't fit in. (kind of true la.... i feel misunderstood now... see. sad face :( haha...) In Love: You have a tough exterior, but can be very dedicated. (tough exterior?? no lehs... i am weak. i admit liaos... what else u wanna say?) How You're Attractive: Your self-awareness and confidence lights up a room. (ers... i am not a candle, i dun light up rooms) Your Eternal Question: "What else do I need in my life?" (ALOT.... like handphone, shoes, bags, clothes.... the list goes on...) |
December 12, 2005
so let the crapping start. whatever la... crap. a four letter word. how to crap. i also don't know lehs... this sucks.... anyway, come... let's complain. the best a girl can do is complain like siao. please dun underestimate the power of a girl's ability to complain. okay. let's start with my hair. my hair sucks. hard to tame, never listen to where i wan it to be. i wan side parting, it gave me no parting. i wan it to straight then it went wild. i want it to be wild, it straightened somehow. see? even my own hair go against me. what to do . life sucks
aiya.. i hate complaining.... so i shall just end with tellng u guys that there will be a hair fashion show on sun. free cover charge and one for one for the drinks. who is interested just tell me. if enough pple, i may go down as well. wanna get contact lens.
December 04, 2005
Actually, immediately after my exams, i went to ktv with xiu wei, yi hong, shurong and moyar and it was fun i would say. it has been months since i step into a ktv and i have to say that xiuwei sings very well, shurong can hit very high notes for the whole song (i seriously dunno how she do it), yi hong has the potential to sing high notes although she very shy about it. both moyar and me are "zou ying tian hou" already... keep being not able to reach the high notes.... pretty sad over it. jieting came over at a later hour so didn't have the chance to really hear her sing. so saddening man.. haha.. for my singing,i shall not be discouraged over it. shall be going for a few more ktv sessions. haha... i like the drink though... ordered apple ice.. just normal bubbletea kind but it has been years since i drank bubbletea so it sort of refresh memories that i had during sec days.
plans for this month is to eat sushi!!! my treat for myself for surviving the exams!!! shopping with my best fren as well as some drinking session with her. it has been a very very long time since i saw her. really missed her a lot man. next shall plan an outing for my sec sch frens... it has been months since i see them as well. maybe i should also ask the jc pple to come out for a session of ktv man. haha.... outing for delphi pple, dunno you guys wanna do what? blading? beach volleyball? movies? ktv? i will leave it up to u all to decide la.... go do some activities with my heavenly maths group. haha... cause we went through thick and thin over all the projects so we have sort of bonded together. pretty happy that i took this mod although i already know two members out of group. HA.
next, plan for my 21st birthday. was pondering whether i should do it in a chalet or do it at home. depends on who i am going to ask to come over lo.. if more pple, i will book chalet at maybe east coast. haha.... my mum already ensure me that she is going to cook her best dish - PINEAPPLE RICE! i gotta tell u this, this is the dish that is first to go so if i invite u guys to come over arh.... u better come early or else u will regret cause my relatives are sure to aim that dish even after eating for so many years le. i am not joking okay?? haha..... maybe my mum will be cooking curry as well... wanted her to cook mee hoon but i figure it would be too much work and provided the fact that i want to be "princess" that day, i dun wanna cook with my mum lor.... later become maid and no more princess liao. (sounds like cinderella story to me haha....)
i think my bro is whipping up some dish as well or do some fried fishball or bbq stuff... although i am pretty excited over it, i still think i should keep my calm since it will be like 2 months + 11 days away la... pretty long and far away... but still i am pretty excited. want to settle this stuff before school starts cause i want to do the planning myself.(although i am pretty lazy at this point of time)
maybe getting a new pair of specs cause my specs abit screw loose then it keeps dropping. er.... other than tat, i dun think i have any extra money to spare la... so ya.... i wanted to watch harry potter actually, but i think from the feedback i got, i am not that keen anymore. and someone just said i no fren, shall prove that i still got frens... nvm... even dun have, i will make new frens eventually. the feeling sucks when pple say u dun have fren. buay da han..... anyways, quite pissed now... so shall end off now.
November 27, 2005

You were almost a: Lamb or a Kitten
You are least like a: Turtle or a GroundhogCute Animals Quiz
i wanna be a kitten!!!! why am i duckie???
November 21, 2005
What Your Sleeping Position Says |
You are confident and ready to tackle life. You are pretty vain and happy with your physical appearance. You are born to be the center of attention, and you're unhappy on the sidelines. You're always up for trying something new - in and out of bed! |
The Keys to Your Heart |
![]() You are attracted to good manners and elegance. In love, you feel the most alive when everything is uncertain, one moment heaven... the next moment hell. You'd like to your lover to think you are stylish and alluring. You would be forced to break up with someone who was arrogant, acting like the dictator of your life. Your ideal relationship is lasting. You want a relationship that looks to the future... one you can grow with. Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment. \font> |
You're an Passionate Kisser |
![]() For you, kissing is about all about following your urges If someone's hot, you'll go in for the kiss - end of story You can keep any relationship hot with your steamy kisses A total spark plug - your kisses are bound to get you in trouble |
November 20, 2005
November 09, 2005
was also doing last 2nd session of lab and really think i have no motivation to move on man. results for the lab seemingly isn't very good either and i have no clue of how to write that report. that is what worries me most. going to have to do project tomorrow. hopefully i will just survive safely this sem. and everybody out there please take care of your health!!! don't fall sick during this critical period! jia youz!!!!
October 31, 2005
Your #1 Match: INFP |
The Idealist You are creative with a great imagination, living in your own inner world. Open minded and accepting, you strive for harmony in your important relationships. It takes a long time for people to get to know you. You are hesitant to let people get close. But once you care for someone, you do everything you can to help them grow and develop. You would make an excellent writer, psychologist, or artist. |
Your #2 Match: ISFP |
The Artist You are a gifted artist or musician (though your talents may be dormant right now). You enjoy spending your free time in nature, and you are good with animals and children. Simply put, you enjoy bueaty in all its forms and live for the simple pleasures in life. Gentle, sensitive, and compassionate - you are good at recognizing people's unspoken needs. You would make a good veterinarian, pediatrician, or composer. |
Your #3 Match: ENFP |
The Inspirer You love being around people, and you are deeply committed to your friends. You are also unconventional, irreverant, and unimpressed by authority and rules. Incredibly perceptive, you can usually sense if someone has hidden motives. You use lots of colorful language and expressions. You're qutie the storyteller! You would make an excellent entrepreneur, politician, or journalist. |
Your #4 Match: ESFP |
The Performer You are a natural performer and happiest when you're entertaining others. A great friend, you are generous, fun-loving and optimistic. You love to laugh - and you like almost all people equally. You accept life as it is, and you do your best to make each day fantastic. You would make a good actor, designer, or counselor. |
Your #5 Match: INTP |
The Thinker You are analytical and logical - and on a quest to learn everything you can. Smart and complex, you always love a new intellectual challenge. Your biggest pet peeve is people who slow you down with trivial chit chat. A quiet maverick, you tend to ignore rules and authority whenever you feel like it. You would make an excellent mathematician, programmer, or professor. |
heehee... boliaos!!!
jia you to everyone for the upcoming exams... not much confidence though...
(a pretty short entry but it is always better than nothing. Ha)
October 28, 2005

You're the Picky!
from ragnarok online official site:
LV : 3 Type : Brute Attribute : Fire1
Baby Peco Peco. Although it is pretty small, it
will be grown up so fast.
Lives in the desert hunting small bugs as prey.
Which Ragnarok Online monster are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
September 11, 2005
The Emperor represents structure, order and regulation - forces to balance the free-flowing, lavish abundance of the Empress. He advocates a four-square world where trains are on time, games are played by rules, and commanding officers are respected. In chaotic situations, the Emperor can indicate the need for organization. Loose ends should be tied up, and wayward elements, harnessed. In situations that are already over-controlled, he suggests the confining effect of those constraints. |
haha... that's me... but then i think not very true though (crappy cloudsis)
August 28, 2005
August 25, 2005
i think i will just watch webcast tomorrow and go for lessons in the evening. falling sick is just simply terrible......
i wonder how did the cors dialogue go today. although obviously, the deans would have won but i am just interested whether it is a fair one. i heard from my friend that there are two separate petitions available. the latter one has an option to put ur matric number on it and apparently, many people are too coward to put their martric number and they actually admit it in the petition. so what was the point of signing the 2nd petition then? it made me wonder.
August 23, 2005
initially wanted to talk on some stuff but then.... i am too lazy...
crappy entry. hahaz...
August 21, 2005
two weeks just zoomed past and i am rather surprised by it myself. time passes fast when you are in school or at work. nevertheless, i would not neglect my blog since it's a tool of expression for me. :D
nothing for today, have been eating fish made of mooncake skin for quite a few days and i am still craving for the real one to come. hopefully by tonight, my mum would have "imported" some from malaysia. yippee.... i am one happy girl eating her fish!
cors is quite cocked up this sem as everybody knows and there is a petition for it. but the problem that i find with the petition is that they are commenting on the wrong things. who cares about nussu getting free milo for us?? i don't know but i think the comments are abit erm.... (since it is case sensitive, i shall not offend anyone) actually, i haven't signed it yet. was pretty lazy to do it and hope that it will not happen next semester or else i will probably bomb cors helpline and their e-mail.
August 14, 2005
the angel hair, brocolli, corn, salad and mushroom soup are cooked by me and i would say my standard of cooking is pretty good this round since all the things are just well done! hahaz... i even cut the strawberry in a nice way and arranged it in a nice way too!
ate choco cake for my dad's birthday and thinking of getting a digital camera so that i could photoblog a little. i am seriously considering it now.... *thinking* hope that everyone is doing well now. *smiles*
after so long, it seems that there is no fairness in life (i do know this long time ago) but the thought just saddens me. when u wanna benefit, u have to lose something as well. (i feel that it is getting pretty "economic")
it's pretty funny when people say that you don't look sad and when i got sad, people come to ask me why? is this a cycle that never ends?? every happiness brings along the same amount of sadness. every wait brought their return along.
never give up ur dreams.. even though it may not bring the same amount of reward it should have given cause life wasn't fair in the first place.
August 13, 2005
however, i foresee many projects to be done this semester and i'm pretty "excited" over it. i even got one more project member when attending the lecture. that was pretty good for the 10 sec introduction and even exchanged numbers. hahaz....
really hope that i can improve on my interpersonal skills.
my mum also won the neopets jackpot after like 2 years of playing the game. congrats to her perseverence~~ now we know what will happen when IR is operating.
jeremiah's hair looks better before his haircut (>_<) i actually think that elvin also went for a haircut but he was wearing a cap to cover his hair so i can't see really clearly. jie ting also cut her fringe and i think it's pretty good and the latest in fashion style. but asking me to cut my fringe is an impossible task since i took a lot of trouble to grow it to the length i have now.
decided to stay with my black hair abit longer since i'm still in love with my black hair. heehee....
thanks to jieting for buying us a hp dangling thingy but i still dun quite understand why i got the girl instead of the cat and the puffer fish... is there a conspiracy involved in it. :P
i also bought a hp dangling thing for them but haven't given them just yet. i am also thinking of changing my hp pouch to something purple in colour (since all my accessories are all going for a purple look)
oh ya, science bash's theme is abit er.... the theme is STRIP and featured 6 people in white bed. i still don't know why the blanket must be white? why can't it be striped (i am now in striped clothes) or purple or black or red? why must it be white??? if i remembered, they wrote something like it's for friends by friends. seriously, friends and strip and science don't seemingly to be in line with one another. science people are supposedly to be anti-social people that don't have friends and i think you could figure out why strip and science don't go along with one another. and i thought only philosophy students contradict (since i took reason and persuasion last last sem)hahaz...
anyway, kimberly thought it will have bad sales. if u ask me about it, i am not sure but somehow, i think kimberly may have predicted the right outcome since they use white blanket (which simply means that it will be a normal kind of bash. they are not daring enough to think differently. whatever happened to creative thinking...)
went i get back home, i bathed and sleep. it's like wth.... haha... i didn't even get to msn yesterday. it has been don't know how many years since i sleep so early in my life!!!
incohorent thoughts coming to a terrible end... hahaz...
August 11, 2005
went to this organic shop with my mum since she wanted to make yoghurt. and they selll funny looking seaweed. it looks like it has fungi on it. eeks... haha.... and they sell this container that stores the yoghurt which sells for 20 bucks. it is totally not worth the price since it just styrofoam box with a plastic container in it. i can do it myself!!
we also bought a black sesame powder with walnuts and found out that black sesame contains a lot of calcium!!! so people who needs calcium (like me since i don't drink milk) should drink. if you are hesitating whether you want to buy it or not, i will post comments on this powder as soon as i have a taste of it!
anyone know of if there is any places selling mango milk? inform me about it alright. thinking of food, i am thinking of mooncake!!! woohoo.... i should start pestering my dad to buy mooncake from muar because i still think that the mooncake there is the best! maybe i should try da zhong guo someday since i heard the mooncake there is great!! hahaz....
my food cravings are coming back again.... heehee...
August 10, 2005
next thing to come was that i didn't have print out the lecture that was taught. thus i have to take notes on writing paper and (hopefully) transfer them back to my lecture notes ( i am feeling lazy just thinking about it). however, the good thing was that i got no lecture for the other module (or else i would be likely to be in bed and not writing anything here)
so aft i went back, i did my quiz and that quiz never update my answers!!!! i got 7-8 questions that are wrong because of that!!!! omg... i am going to kill myself by doing that. alright.. it's quite a screwed up blog and day for me.
August 08, 2005
i must go for my lessons for driving for now. heehee.... have dragged like one year. i know i am pretty jialat but nevertheless, i shall go for the lessons one of these days.
oh ya, have been striking up conversation with this person who promised to correct my english esp my grammer (i know my command of english ain't good that's why i am soughting help now) had a fun time talking and never fails to amuse me. hahaz....
really enjoyed ur company.
that's all for now then.
August 04, 2005
however, i will be staying in school for four consecutive days till 8pm. anyone who is staying near my place and ends school at 8pm can accompany me home. *Smiles* (thinking of taking mrt home since there will be jams in the expressway) what i truly feel about this is that it is damn jialat but nevermind, i got to take a module with my beloved ex-neighbour. yea.... i love her and believe that she will be one of the best friends that i will make in my life since i always click with an aries! the other note to take is that i will be going to school at freaking 8am for 3 days. it's all the core modules that occupied the eariler time slots so i have no say in this. for two of the days, i will be having no break at all. thinking of killing myself now. *incohorent thoughts comes in...*
but the good news is that i will be having my mondays free to do whatever i want. erm... maybe i should start to plan for my semester to take my driving lessons. (i know i should have done it in the holidays but i was working so not much of a choice) maybe i should start to work during the weekends. who has any lobangs for weekend jobs? i have been luxuriously spending all my money since i was working and i dun seem to be able to curb my spending pattern. maybe i should take up some half day kind of job through the weekends since i want my sleep too. you may think what about my homework? erm... about that arh... i think i will just *whoosh* it to one side. sort of given up on studying. hahaz...
shall cont some other times since i don't know what to continue
August 02, 2005
So i am here again... (still thinking and worrying about the modules. sharks... i hate bidding!!)
actually, something did happen these days but i just view it as a common experience. however, after some thinking, i think it is not as common as it seems. complicating? yea.. i am trying to be chim here (since i am still jealous about not getting some asian blogging award by blabbering nonsense, i shall try some of the chim stuffs nowadays)
so what actually happened (the mystery begins) is that there is a peeping tom in the office building. apparently, some girls get peeped by i-don't-know-how(adapted from harry potter) and reported it as a police case (it was not suppose to be told, but my colleague is spreading the news as fast as a fire does so i think it doesn't matter anymore.) I-don't-know-who was quite daring in his acts because he attempted to open the door of the toilet (funny person. it is locked, u boondoo.... what are u trying to do? scare the girl inside?) and even went to the adjacent toilet to peep at the girl (i-don't-know-who must be damn stupid... u think that girl will continue to do her business after your attempt to open her door? use ur brains!?! what?!!? u dun have brains?!!) i think the girl recognises the face of i-don't-know-who and i was just pondering, why didn't she give him a kick or something like that (maybe her shoes are from Guess of LV, cannot afford to spoil them) i guess she might be too afraid to do anything at that point of time so just remember the face. BUT, that is not the point!
the point is that the whole building's female toilets are locked up as a result. so all of us have to bring our key and our card just to go to the toilet (sounds like mission impossible right? so many places to unlock just to go to the damn toilet) so i gave up that idea and decided to go to the handicapped (which was not locked) haiya.... so shuay... last week here and i have to endure such treatment. maybe they are just training me to be a prison warden (whaha... bet u never thought of that)
why couldn't they just install a stupid number lock so that we don't have to bring so many things to the toilet (imagine all the bacteria that stays on the key and the card) or just catch the culprit (they actually have cctvv. so much for security.)
i remembered one night when i came back to rush some reports, there's 2 bangladesh sitting outside the office (REPEAT!! SECURITY!!! are you there for show? oh ya.. i am not trying to be racist but imagine two guys sitting outside the office talking.. it was so ......)
so my colleague went to ask someone what he will do if the peeping tom is the boss and is peeping at the gf.
the reply given was....
"give him 30 sec more"
buay da han... what is this man??!?! (suddenly remembered what guys normally say "career comes first...") i guess it applies everywhere no matter what is the context of it. buay da han... this person better not be my bf or else i will kill him and throw him into singapore river.
sometimes, i guess people have to do some stupid things before they finally learn. i did learn yesterday... took a 2-hour long bus from jurong east to hougang... i nearly wanted to vomit foam yesterday. (so much for saving the 40 cents or so...). feeling hunger, eating kitkat on the bus and wearing a dress which is very irritating isn't a fantastic experience. actually, i nearly completed the whole North-south line since i took it from city hall to jurong east. yesterday was really siaoness.... i SWEAR that i am never ever ever going to do that again. i will be willing to spend the 40 cents to shorten the duration fo the trip into half.
i have nothing else to say although i am still trying to waste my time away as the clock ticks to 6pm. looking forward to reading my book (the reason i went to jurong east. it better be worth it or else i will start to tear the book apart) Have not been reading as frequently as i did when i was not working. have quite a lot of books at hand now (i don't think anybody really go to friendster as often as i do) i have about 10 books now (how am i going to ever finish them man.) if u want to know what are the titles, just go to my friendster profile.
i think this is a long long long entry... enjoy reading.
July 29, 2005
July 27, 2005
nowadays, not sleeping early and feeling darn tired for days already... hope that i can get some real sleep someday. so, i got back my memoirs of a geisha but i haven't even started to read since i have been running all around these days.
now at this moment, the thing that is enticing me is the soya milk ice cream. omg... i think i am becoming a food freak. eating everyday, wanted to try to cook the risotto ready pack.
i need time for decisions and i will ponder and ponder about it for months. that's what happened to memoirs of geisha. i actually waited for like 2 months before i made up my mind to buy that book. i have also regretted not reading sandman from my bro's gf. someday i will borrow from her again. haha...
just random thoughts since i am not doing anything now. my soya ice cream..... where are you??
July 25, 2005
made my life hollow without you...
you have changed this few years with me but i have not really changed as i were looking through the blogs that both of us write since last time.
you are getting more and more busy each day but i am getting more hollow each day. i know that you have made an effort to show that you love me. i myself can't understand why am i acting like that.
bit by bit, i understand how tired you are when you finish your akido and have to call me and talk to me. i became more appreciative of what you did for me.
i am in contradiction myself by letting you follow your passion and making you accompany me.
nevertheless, i still love you. i must be more independant. no more reliance is tolerated for me. i shall start to make myself busy.... there are so many things waiting out there for me to do and i should start to pick up some since you are busy too.
loneliness will leave me and we can accomodate each other's time more. i shall start to give space to you and to me. maybe we have spent too much time together, that's why both of us became unbalanced or at least i have.
holland V
i have to say that there is quite a good variety of food. there's swensen's, coffee club, haagen daz ( i know i am a mountain turtle not to know how to spell this stupid ice cream's name. who does anyway?), indian, mexican, italian, nydc and pubs over there and the price of food there ain't very expensive.
in the end, we decided ( or i should say my dad decided) that we should try out the italian food there. my ratings: i think mine is not marvelous but it sort of an acquired taste that i grew to like. (i still prefer brewerks!!)
i never tried my bros' as i can't even finish my own plate of spaghetti and the lobster tasted weird. yucks.... the caesar salad was good as well as some tomato+basil leaves+baguette (i am not proficient in italian names)
next, we went to drink at some place where there is a one for one promotion and we ordered hoegarden. it was great... i love that beer seriously... i like asahi as well.... since then... i think that tiger beer no longer suits me. hahaz... i have upgraded alright? so anybody who wants to drink someday can jio me, i am lack of drinking partners... even my parents allow me to bring friends to drink. woohoo....
only my bro is getting a little dizzy when he finished his beer and was stoning for quite a while. i like the music there as well and managed to see m. schmacher (whatever his name is) got taken over by some blue team ( i am just not into races)
but what is best is the dessert that follows. we got to order nydc cakes alright?!!! i - irish cream mudpie ( i just love alcohol)
my elder bro ( aka birthday boy) - kulua mudpie.
my younger bro -some triple square mudpie.
mum - mango cheesecake.
dad- macademia choco cake.
i love mine!!! haha... i can't taste the kulua one since my cake has a heavy taste..
i also like the macademia one.
then after that... go home and sleep... haha... crapz
July 24, 2005
this morning
his wife looks prettier on screen.
July 23, 2005
July 21, 2005

7 Types of Intelligence - Which is yours?
brought to you by Quizilla

you are either very stupid or very very
crazy...please rate....
How insane are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
i choose to be the first
July 19, 2005
(i know it's crappy but what it does is to relieve stress for me) hiak hiak hiak....
July 14, 2005
A run
what i wanna say is that the students are so fortunate!! before the run, i went to the toilet to do some stretching (since i don't want to do it in front of the students who are waiting for the bell to ring) When i went in, i saw that there was no light and came out, wanting to switch on the respective lights. However, the lights miraculously switched on and the place is renovated. I AM JEALOUS and it became stronger when i found out that i the lights are controlled by motion sensors! two years before, we were still switching on lights!!!!! how can they change so much in two years?!?!
but i feel that the colour of the school walls are getting from bad to worse. it changed to green!!! who paint their walls dull green>?!?! however, i still like my days there... the teachers are great (must visit them some day) cause they really cared for us. i didn't regret going to sr for my jc years since i enjoyed it.
some day some day, i want to go back and teach (i am starting to want a teaching career) and of course run. i was thinking of tomorrow being the day!!! who wants to join me at around 7?
thing to note: i did the running for fun... i think i am abit siao for running for fun but that's what i really feel. i think people may think i did it to lose fats (which was the initial thought) but with my run of only 2.7km, i think i ain't getting to get rid of my fats with such short distance. HOWEVER, i am working and cannot afford to spend so much time on the exercising part.
July 12, 2005
You are a piano. You like to express your feelings
indirectly like in lyrics, poems, and stories.
You are careful in what you do and sometimes
pull a stunt. You are calm and peaceful. But
you usually don't talk to people first they
have to talk to you.
What is your soft toned intrument?
brought to you by Quizilla
35: Clefairy - Its magical and cute appeal has many
admirers. It is rare and found only in certain
Of the Original 150, Which Pokemon Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
i wanted bulbasaur

You are the Spirit of Hope. Whenever someone is
feeling down, they merely have to think of you
to make them happy again. You have the ability
to simply radiate happiness. You can make
friends quickly because your strong point is
your amazingly friendly nature which naturally
people want to be with. You think about the
best in everything, a total optimist, you won't
have any trouble getting a worthy person to
shae your life with!
Which stunning spirit of emotion are you? NEW AND IMPROVED! (amazingly beautiful anime pics!)
brought to you by Quizilla

your the autumn fairy. your not the brightest
crayon in the bunch butyou got a lot of style.
what type of fairy are you? with beautiful pix, music, and a stunning background!!!!
brought to you by Quizilla
~*~Result nr 1~*~
Your power is: Clairvoyance
Explanation: Your power is that you can
look into the future and see what is coming.
How far and long you can look is all depending
on your skill level. This can, as all powers,
be used in both evil and good. Even if it may
seem like a boring ability it is a huge
responsibility for the carrier, becase they are
constantly tempted with doing the wrongs deeds
(e.g. cheat on a test). It takes high morals to
not be brought down with it.
Therefor you fit with this power quite well.
You take responsibility and do what is the
right thing to do. This does not make you a
saint, since you're only human after all. But
it makes a trustworthy person and you are loyal
to camrades and/or team mates. In school you
were probably a good student. If you were
social varies from person to person, but most
clairvoyant people tend to prefer their own
company or that of close friends and family.
That is because you are wise and knows how to
treasure the reliable in your life, since you
know popularity can be a false element. You are
also not that big on taking risks and prefer
what is already explored. That is because you
don't like suprises, they can turn out bad and
then you won't be in control.
Negative aspects: Since you're always
doing the right thing and being trustworthy all
the time you can become frustrated. Also, all
that you carry on your shoulders may stress you
out. You need to relax to be in good mental
What Power is Compatible With You?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are a half angel. You can't seem to find your
wings to fly off into happiness. You often
seem depressed but really your trying find
something that you sometimes don't even know.
You can't help but feel lost and so sometimes
loose faith in what comes ahead but even if you
do find what your looking for you keep the
happiness inside but none the less you are a
kind person.
What Type of Angel Will You Be?
brought to you by Quizilla
Your soul is caring.
Other people are your concern, even if you
don't know them. If you see a person trip you
worry is he is okay. You put your loved ones
first and you're very mature. When someones
sick you're nurturing and always try to help
family and friends when failure strikes them.
You can be called the motherly one, if you are
in a group of people, which doesn't have to be
bad. Love is something that's already in you
and you have a lot to give whether you believe
it or not. Your friends probably love you very
much and come to when they need help since
you're reliable. People can feel secure with
you and generally like you.
How is your soul?(pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

Your Beauty lies
in Contradiction. Controversial, unpredictable, and
never what anyone expects.
You appearance and your personality are two
opposite things. Even your
appearance sends different signals to different
people. To some you may look
innocent and sweet, to others you look mysterious
and intimidating at the same
time. No one ever knows what to expect with you.
You are a little bit of
everything all mixed together. You can be watching
the football game with the
guys one minute and the next out shopping at the
mall. You seem to be almost a
different person every time you meet someone, but
at the same time you know
exactly who you are and there is always that one
thing that makes you you. You
enjoy keeping people guessing and people love how
completely unpredictable you
Some Things
That Represent You:
Fire, Water Animal: Chameleon Color:
Dark Tones, Light
Tones Song: Everything by Alanis Morriesette
Opal Mythological Creature: Gryphon,
Half-breeds Planet: Mars Hair
Color: Red Eye Color:
"Appearances can be deceiving."
Where Does Your Beauty Lie? ..::Original Pictures Are Back! Detailed Results::..
brought to you by Quizilla

The understanding couple. You two have a mutual
understanding of each other. You know the high
and low points of your partner's abilities and
so you try not to push them and the same for
the way they act towards you. The more you
understand the more stable a relationship.
What Kind Of Couple Are You And Your Partner?
brought to you by Quizilla
microsoft excel
July 11, 2005
kind of a bad day
when the optician handed back my specs, it was super bend. super..... the optician was like asking me "is this specs for you?" i was also stunned by the way my specs were bend. you should have seen the guy's face since i think he was rather shock that a girl (me!!) can make her specs bend till the extreme. later, he asked me whether i wanted to bend it back. then i replied "try ba" then he even ask me how long was the specs with me and that he was worried that the specs might just give way. HOWEVER, i can't wear that specs without fixing it. it was way to bend. hahaz...
while i was waiting for him to fix my specs, a customer came in and ask about the transitions specs. heehee.... i wanted to buy transitions specs too (those u see on train where the specs will turn into shades when the place is cool) so i was looking at the lens. it took like 5 mins to make it transparent when the woman told me it took only a minute or two. despite that, i still want to get that pair of specs since it is really cool and i wan to make the nerdy kind of specs.
cost of lens: 195 for a pair
it was sort of expected thus i really want to make it. i am still struggling with whether i should make contact lens or make specs.
when i get back home, i realised that my house was nearly burnt down by my neighbour who is living below us. according to my mum, smoke is coming from two different windows which is rather far apart so you can imagine the damage in the house. we were still thinking why did it happen. btw, we are ready to suan that neighbour since she likes to complain and whine so much, we shall do it to her as well.
July 05, 2005
The True You |
You want your girlfriend or boyfriend to be more relaxed, calm, and composed. |
With respect to money, you spend whatever you have. |
You think good luck depends on maintaining good relationships with others. |
The hidden side of your personality tends to be satisfied to care for things with a minimal amount of effort. |
You are tend to think about others' feelings a lot, perhaps because you are so eager to be liked. |
When it comes to finding a romantic partner, you base your search on information from your friends. |
1) my boy already very relaxed.
2) i dun spend with whatever i have.
3) i dun have any rs to maintain. hahaz....
4) hidden side?! i was thinking of the dark side
5) i am a wood, how to think? i dun need to be liked. i just dun wished to be hated
6) huh? ask friends to get a romantic partner?
Conclusion: this is crap!!! everything about the result is crap..... this is so so so wrong
acting busy is tough~~~
really makes me wonder..... jialat..... haiz.... nothing to do... omg.... somebody please tell me how to act busy without my boss finding out that i was just acting. i think i am really jialat... dun even know what to do with my free time. i can't read and do nothing (according to my boy) and he is also very free... BUT, he can walk around and act busy while i, who don't have to walk about and cannot too, have to sit here and surf net. acting busy is tough when my com is facing my boss.
and there was this colleague who was explaining what he was doing and i, being as stupid as ever, can't really figure what he is really trying to say. i think is just some kind of brief explanation and i was nodding and nodding (must act abit clever or else next time cannot work here liaos) but in the end, he needed to wait for the report to come before letting me do anything. i think he is really nice since he understands i am not a marketing student and he wasn't either and start to tell me what the terms meant. hope i get some of these into my head...
although i am not busy, i still like it here. nobody cares about nobody and i won't rush like hell (except i was doing some pasting stuffs and was busy for the whole morning right from the time i stepped in) and my boss told me to have a long break!!! hahaz... where to find such a good boss... you tell me la! oh ya.. went to eat gelare and it was like centuries when i have a proper waffle. (the last time i ever ate one is when i was primary school at a&w and that was before it closed down the first time) i had runaway strawberry (some funny that i don't understand why the first term is in it) and lydia had soy chocolate (suppose to be more healthy by replacing milk with soy) i think hers was not bad while mine was abit normal, nothing special.
July 04, 2005
some test.
~extra understanding? what does that even mean? i am actually erm... quite happy with my current state
You are a true extrovert, frivolous and outgoing. You need to feel in control of any situation. If matters are not proceeding according to plan you tend to get extremely irritable and perhaps become difficult to live with.
~extrovert is one thing that will never be able to describe me. hahaz.... anyone can second that? outgoing? i am trying to do that. frivolous? what?! i am not meant to be taken seriously!!!! how can like that? but i feel the in control part is quite true since i really will lose my patience when things aren't going my way
All the problems that you have been experiencing of late seem to have become a part of your life and there is little that can be done to change the situation. Your emotions run high - but even though you feel as if at times you are about to burst this situation will pass. Try to release your pent-up emotions by participating in some extra physical activities like running, swimming, whatever. There must be some favorite pastime, not necessarily strenuous, that can help you to relax.
~so sad man!!! cannot change. jialat man.... and for the physical activities... i am quite sad cause i strained my nerves over a badminton session. should start exercising.
You are being unduly influenced by the situation that is all around you. You do not like the feeling of loneliness and whatever it is that seems to separate you from others. You know that life can be wonderful and you are anxious to experience life in all its aspects, to live it to the full. You therefore resent any restriction or limitations that are being imposed on you and you insist on going it alone.
~i agree with this!! i really wanna exp life in different aspects but is it possible to be done?
You don't like conflict and you endeavor to avoid criticism. You want to do your own thing and to be able to decide what is right for you. You have considerable personable charm - and this is used with considerable effect on those that keep your company.
~yea... i am peace loving and i really hate criticism... besides, who like criticism? this result is siao... but i would get pretty upset if it has got to do with my weight. can anyone tell me what is personable charm?
ps: my boss is really good to me... i love her!!! she gives 3-4 breaks per day!!
i'm feeling crappy
since my boss lets me have a break, i will start reading my sword of truth!! hahaz... i am a sword of truth freak! anyone who likes magic can read this~~~ i am so so so into it!
July 03, 2005
cross stitch
July 02, 2005
Custom made for me
do comment what do you think about the layout. for example, font of the words are too small and you are suffering from squinting your eyes trying to see it. i can change it!! (i changed the blog entries font, if not, it will be the same font size as the right hand side.)
i have been choosing the blog layouts the whole morning and not reading my sword of truth!! my sacrifice is EXTREMELY GREAT! :p
so make it worth it!
it has been tons of years since i played badminton (and exercised) and if i remembered correctly, i wasn't able to have a good game in my life since my component was my younger brother who can't play in his preteens and likes to smack every other time when he is in teens. the result of this is the shuttlecock can only fly 2-3 times across the court. But, i was enjoying the session we had on monday since i feel that we are actually playing and not picking up the shuttlecocks every now and then. the people who turned up for the sessions are angel, felix(eating meehoon for lunch when i saw him), zhiwei, minfei and me and later, kelvin and jeremiah, mervyn and gavin.
it was really a great work out and we invented games like 3 vs 3 and gavin is really good at guarding the net area and it was really hard trying to catch his oncoming shuttlecocks. minfei and me just stood there and became the men shens (door immortals). angel never lets us down by her great swings (must learn from her someday). zhiwei played really well (aka the bai jia zi labelled by angel i think). jeremiah was full of energy, running around and swinging shuttlecocks out of the court (must save energy man! it's precious!!!). felix and mervyn is a good pair except when mervyn stones and didn't hit the shuttlecock. this one i really don't want to say but nevertheless have to say, mervyn was good and a fast learner and i keep standing i be the men shen when we paired up. (i hate it i hate it.... )
but the weird thing that keeps happening is that kelvin was always kena hit by jeremiah and i was hitting mervyn like siao... (since he hit me first, my body decided to put a revenge on him. i cannot control, it just happens... hahaha....)
and i hate myself for not learning how to scoop the shuttlecocks. i must learn when i feel like it!! argh.... i am a slow learner man...
last but not least, i got hit by a racket aka almost full force by who?? make a guess? anyone? no one? answer : jeremiah! arh!!! the one with full of energy hit me!! haha.... but heng he withdraw some strength when he hit me or else i think my skull will break apart and all the grass will sprout out.
later we went to orchard to eat the big O in wheelock place. my comments: it wasn't fantastic but more to the average kind of stall. i ate some spagghetti stuffs la... met alice (the a3 gang pple know her) and we went on talking, walking and went home. haha....( so cliche man...)oh ya!!! alice is obsessed with snails!!!! we went to buy some drinks and drink at the stairs leading the paragon basement and we saw snails!! small little ones that are cute and what's more? there are about 4 of them and one on each step. we have speculated that the they are having a competition and just maybe just maybe.... we are the evil doers that are going to destroy the competition by lifting up 2 of the snails onto a leaf. something that surprised me was that one of the snails actually crawled to another leaf by some means that i am not sure of. so much of the snails.... later, when we were boarding the NS line and when i was about to alight at ps, we realised that felix was going toilet at orchard!!! but still we are just too tired to go back and angel said that she is going to call fellix to tell him that we have already left. imagine poor felix coming out of toilet seeing without a single soul.... quite pitiful.... haiz... but all of us are too tired to think anymore le. hahaz....
on tue, i started working at cityhall and my muscles ache like siao... can't even walk properly and my right arm nerve kena hurt... think is some overstretch thingy... (i remembered why... i didn't do stretching for my hands... next time must remember. stretching is IMPORTANT!!) until this day, it still hurt a little... so sad... and after my work, i met alice and her friend!!!! i was quite surprised and alice was like asking me, "yesterday i met u right?" then i "yea!" haha.... singapore is just terribly small!!
on fri, i met up with my best fren!!! so happy to see her!!!!! haha... so she was updating her life over at australia and it sure sounds terribly fun!!! even show me photos!!!!! i must go there to exp studying life over there. Jiayouz! initially, she wanted me to treat her seafood until i told her, i only work from tuesday. haha... i promise if i got spare cash i will treat u k? we ate yami yoghurt (i prefer the honeydew over the jackfruit flavour but still NATURAL is the best!!! I like the sour taste of yoghurt!)however, i put almond with the honeydew.. was quite a stupid choice actually!! and we ate some jap rice ball which lydia was not satisfied with their standard and said the real ones are really very nice... i was so tempted to go and eat... someday, i shall try the real ones!!! and we also ate auntie anne's. she ate the sour cream while i ate the choco mint. actually, i wanted to eat cinnamon sugar but thinking of the sugar content, i faltered.
we can really eat right?! i also think so!!! meeting her on next tuesday to eat gelare... HALF PRICE! i am so so so looking forward to it!
June 26, 2005
m, your credit card tells us that you're a Situational Shopper!
Situational Shopper
Shop 'til you drop? Not you. We'd bet that if we ran into you at the shops, you're there to get something in particular - not to browse. You're probably the kind of shopper who ventures into the retail realm armed with an idea of what you want, where to get it, and how to get out of there as fast as you can. Maybe you're on the hunt for a birthday gift for Mum or a housewarming present for your best friend.
Then again, maybe it's a new outfit for yourself for a special event. Whatever the occasion, you're not too likely to make impulse buying or window shopping a standard practice. While some shoppers may get easily distracted, you're more likely to stay on track in your pursuit of your intended purchase.
It's possible that you just don't have that much time or that much interest in dilly-dallying around in a store. It might be that you're one of those organised types who carry a shopping list with them when running errands.
But it's also highly probable that you prefer to do your shopping online instead since you don't have to fight the crowds or wait in queues. However you go about it, keep up your sensible, situational shopping!
truly me!!! haha...
June 24, 2005
first, i managed to borrow sword of truth!!! Yay.... cheer with me ya?
2nd, i am going to buy memoir of geisha.
3rd, i really want to go and dye my hair!!! i need a life!! (although this kind of life seems a little weird)
4th, i cannot stand maintanence!!!!
5th, i want to keep myself abap (new word. abap= as busy as possible)
6th, doing cross stitch!!! i am super proud of it. gives me a sense of satisfaction~~

my proud piece of work!!! there are some letterings above the bear but phone too small and the bear should be the focus
7th, keep blogging.
8th, wait for flamers to flame my blog cause i want to find arguments... oops... too boliaos wo...
9th, pray that holidays extend infinitely!!
10th, independance!!!! heehee....
11th, someone tell me about the updates about the body parts? found the feet liao ma?
was the murderer charged?
ps:actually wrote somemore but i forgot liaos... and i didn't save.. haiz.. stupid arh....
June 14, 2005
You Were Actually Born Under: |
You Should Have Been Born Under: |
![]() You've got a ton of energy - and need plenty of room to roam. You tend to follow your whims, and it's hard for you to stick to one thing. Specific jobs, loves, and friends are always changing and never a part of your life for long. Very intuitive, you tend to know what people are thinking before they say a word. You are most compatible with a Dog or Tiger. |
June 06, 2005
i am also resisting the urge to put up a counter for my blog since i fear disappointment. haha... i am a cowardice (learnt from the movie too) and so be it! haha...... i must not put the counter. no! no!!! i don't want!!!
was a totally stupid show... think it is a super stupid show!!!!! one word! STUPID!!!! haha.... so er xin!!!!! but then i still watched the show in bits la.... it's been a long time that i come across a stupid show!
June 04, 2005
does happiness = money? no doubt that it is a huge factor but i am willing to sacrifice a little to get more happiness. is it because i'm to into it that's why i can't get a clear head. i am afraid that i am, that's why i have thought of this question a lot of times. it's not easy.... anything could happen and who is it for us to apprehend the future?
i am selfish... i know.... not knowing what to do makes me afraid to go another step. maybe i have done wrong, maybe you should be free like a bird. you would know what to do, i still treasure the times we gone through.
that's all~~
June 02, 2005
God bless to everyone who are getting results today!
May 29, 2005
the china hols
so the first 2 days, i was in guangzhou practically eating and eating like crazy.... but the only food i have memory of is the shuang dan nai. super nice.... i want to eat it again man but just don't know where to buy it. heard from my boy that it can be bought in singapore but he just refuses to tell me location of place to eat it. omg.... i wan it i wan it!!!! i like it with lotus seed although this is not the one that the shop is famous for. something else to note in this shop was that the tables and chairs are terribly small. i think the table can only hold one big soup bowl with a fringe space of 2 inches. this is small. i don't usually get to see this kind of small furniture. went to shop a little but their style is full of glitters and is definitely not my kind of clothing so i didn't buy anything. went to an antique street but they are mostly consisting of fake jades. since i am not into this kind of things, i didn't bother to look at it at all.
next up is the visit to my ancestral grounds and we are just there to see all the old houses, the distant relatives, animals and paddy fields. if i could pose some of the pictures, i would comment about it. the only thing that really sticks with me in my mind is the stupid mosquitoes that bit me like crazy!!! i got about 90 bites on one of my legs and i am suffering terribly even at this moment. i am gonna see a doctor tomorrow. i heard from my bro that they are sandflies.... how am i gonna survive?! anybody has any remedies that can cure this stupid itchiness that i am experiencing now. i hate the sandflies. those who had been in ns please help!!!!!!! omg!!!! i am gonna die... burn or slice my skin!!!
another thing that i have found out is that wherever i go, i will be served tea, no matter whether it is a restaurant or a house. but i have to say that the tea are generally good (maybe it's due to the fact that i don't drink much tea but nevermind... i like the tea and that it what that matters)
the trip to hongkong is not as what the commercials portray them. the food there was only okay. don't really like but the roast goose and the spare ribs.... whao..... super nice... i was at some famous restaurant, should be yong kee or something like that. but the clothes are nice..... different but nice. i like it but don't have much time to shop around. who wants to go to hongkong can jio me. i will be willing to go with you (provided that i have the money) generally, it is okay to have mandarin and english but being able to speak cantonese gives you certain advantages though. heehee.... (just a small note)
lao po bing was somewhat nice. kind of get addicted to it but due to financial limitations, i didn't buy alot and due to the fact that i can't find things that are unique, didn't buy gifts for you all. sorry!!!! i didn't mean it. i would buy gifts if i found something that is unique to the country.
that's all folks. haha.... will pose some pics if i get to know how to do it.
May 26, 2005
May 17, 2005
last blog for the week
will be uploading my pics after my trip here. expect many photos because i am a photo freak! Haha.....
May 16, 2005
a feeling of weirdness overwhelmed me as i am writing this very sentence. the weird feeling of being lonely even when there is someone out there that is with me. maybe i am just a time filler. maybe i was just a stupid girl that cannot control her emotions. since getting into a relationship has changed me quite a bit. i no longer am i usual self. if you have reading my blog regularly, you would know that i am not very fond of change. my friends saw a change in me, which simply means that i have changed alot for them to sense the change. is it because i became more dependant on others? is it because i wear skirts? (i find this rather weird since everytime i wear a skirt, my friends will be sort of exclaiming that i wore a skirt. haha.... i wear skirts okay? got a lot of skirts in my wardrobe. i am not a tomboy.....) do i become more understanding? i realised that i become more irrational which is bad. i have a bad time adapting to life now. i know that i should be enjoying my holidays and enjoying every bit of freedom but i simply don't really meet my friends. don't know why i'm like that too. maybe it's because lydia had went overseas which made me feel kind of lost. i used to spend my holidays with her, meeting her like every week in the past. things have changed and i doubt i will be going out with her as often since her life has changed. i still don't like to shop so maybe, i can't shop with her. maybe that's why i am here blogging and not going out.
weird weird weird!!!! haha.... very weird....
maybe i should sought other ways to release myself... i have been reading but still i feel an emptiness in me. maybe i should become a christian so as to find companionship. maybe i really should consider it.
i have changed. changed to a person that cannot stand loneliness. sorry that i have made you suffer boy. i will adapt, sooner or later.....
May 15, 2005
i am not sure....
i'm lonely... is it because i am demanding? is it because i am too free? do i have the perseverence to hang on to it.
maybe i just need time... just maybe.....
i should be content. should be understanding.
i really hope that i could do it.... really...

You are the little prince.
Saint Exupery's 'The Little Prince' Quiz.
brought to you by Quizilla
too chim for me to understand again... haha....
have i opened my mind? have i changed for the better of myself? i realised that there is no definite answer. you are who you are.... that is not right or wrong since life has always been a double-edged sword.
some people said that let nature take its path. the seemingly unexpected future makes me wonder if human is even near to understand nature, to anticipate the things that will happen, to find out the fundamentals of life. everything comes with a cause and an effect. but how did the cause happen? a random pick? i chosen path by someone we will never know? what is it? why do i remain where i am?
there are too many unknowns in this world. fear is not the thing that bothers me anymore since fearing the future will just hold me back, not advancing to the next step. i want to move forward.
i hope that all choices made will be of a wise choice. whatever the next step befall me, i shall take it with stride, with courage, with love and with everything that i have. no matter how people see it, it will no doubt be my choice. that's how fate works. that's why nature is always a wonder and remain so.
May 14, 2005
there was a time where my tuition student is having exams with her e maths and a maths and i was suppose to give her alot of tuition that period of time. however, i was caught up with my relationship problems. was on the verge a break up and thus i can't give her tuition with this state of mind. i wonder what i should do. should i write a letter of apology to the parents. ( cause the parents are quite unhappy.... very obvious, i can sense that and even had predicted that in advance) and i think i have let my tuition girl down.
clara, would you forgive me?
would u give me a chance to make up my mistakes?
if u need any help in maths now... please approach me anytime... i have tons of time everyday which i seemingly wasted by slacking away.
please msn me or write on tagboard if u see this k?
i am always trying to change this bad habit of mine (which is running from reality) i must face it now.
jia youz....
May 12, 2005
the lunch today was thai at suntec basement. there was a promotion going on whereby certain items were on promotion but still it cost 4 bucks. but, with my mum, i went inside to order my lunch. i decided on tom yum chicken noodle while my mum ate the beef noodle soup. i thought that the tom yum was not bad. it's kind of light although it still maintain its spiciness and sourness while the beef noodle didn't appeal to me that much since there is a chinese herb taste in it.
we then decided to eat dessert thearafter since i heard that the mango with glutinous rice was fantastic whereby the mango is super fragrant and the rice is chewy with the taste of coconut milk.
However, it didn't turned out quite it should be. i don't like it at all. the mango was yellow in colour but in fact, the mango should be a little orangy in colour. sad case.... sad case number 2, the rice is hard and not chewy at all. i wasn't enjoying the dessert at all. sad case number 3, they are very stingy with their use of coconut. THE MOST SAD CASE: i ate something that doesn't taste nice and have alot of calories! i can leave my calories to better food like anderson's ice cream or ah bo ling! somebody please bring me to mouth watering mango with glutinous rice! heard thai express offer good mango with glutinous rice. argh..... so upset after that....... spoil my wonderful image of that dessert.
the thai chendol was worse. only chendol+ ice + basil seed. there's no kidney beans, no brown sugar, no nice chendol..... argh.... the food are all against me. angry..... must ask boy to bring me to eat at the indonesian restaurant. but first, i shall make it up with good food tomorrow!
my plan:
-anderson's ice cream
-ah bo ling
-gelarie waffle
YEAH>>>>> looking forward toward to tomorrow's food but not the queue that i have to queue when i apply my china visa. singaporeans are so lucky..... i am actually thinking of converting to singaporean if this goes on.
i like wong lee hom's xin zhong de ri yue + forever love!!!!!
i must master the first song and learn the second one!!
nobody can stop me!!!!
May 11, 2005
somemore quizzes.. heehee.... i am a quiz freak
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