December 30, 2007
December 26, 2007
December 25, 2007
December 23, 2007
(some self motivation is needed)
1- buy new year clothes (actually saw something that i liked but cost 30 over..... really quite exp i guess)
2- Learn to put make up and dress up. (I am really quite lazy to do it but then haiz..... I think it's the age to start learning)
3- go lab more often! I AM NOT SPENDING ENOUGH TIME IN LAB!
4- control my temper. It is really getting out of hand at times.....
December 21, 2007
Zelda is also fun but then I am quite lost of what I am suppose to do now. Hopefully someone will be able to guide me~~~~
I don't really understand people sometimes.... but nevermind la..... none of my business anyways.
Oh ya.... the ktv outing. I think have to put it to a weekend since some of us are working already. What do you say, girls? =comments comments=
December 19, 2007
A lot of things happened to me during the period of time that I didn't blog and some of you would have known what happened already. I had a lot of thoughts going through my mind during that period of time and I'm really glad that I have a lot of supportive friends that actually accompanied me through this. Thank you guys~~~
For me, there are many things that I have learned through this event and things will never be the same again. I really learnt it the hard way this time round and I will remember this event and I swear to god that I will never repeat it ever again in my life.
I am really thankful for everybody that gave me encouragement and all, especially my mum. She stayed up alot of nights just to talk to me to get my mind off things, advise and reprimanded me for things that I have done. I know that she is really quite worried about me since I don't usually act the way I do and I felt that the bond between us is once again pulled closer together.
I will just add anything I have in mind later since I don't have any now.
December 09, 2007
December 07, 2007
Your Five Factor Personality Profile |
![]() Extroversion: You have low extroversion. You are quiet and reserved in most social situations. A low key, laid back lifestyle is important to you. You tend to bond slowly, over time, with one or two people. Conscientiousness: You have low conscientiousness. Impulsive and off the wall, you don't take life too seriously. Unfortunately, you sometimes end up regretting your snap decisions. Overall, you tend to lack focus, and it's difficult for you to get important things done. Agreeableness: You have medium agreeableness. You're generally a friendly and trusting person. But you also have a healthy dose of cynicism. You get along well with others, as long as they play fair. Neuroticism: You have low neuroticism. You are very emotionally stable and mentally together. Only the greatest setbacks upset you, and you bounce back quickly. Overall, you are typically calm and relaxed - making others feel secure. Openness to experience: Your openness to new experiences is high. In life, you tend to be an early adopter of all new things and ideas. You'll try almost anything interesting, and you're constantly pushing your own limits. A great connoisseir of art and beauty, you can find the positive side of almost anything. |
December 03, 2007
Hey there, cutie pie! It should be no surprise that a sweetheart like you always looks best in blush. Your style motto? Keep it simple. While you do primp and prune from time to time, you're not exactly famous for being high maintenance. Instead, you let people wonder if the color on your cheeks is from a brush or a brush with romance.
Relaxed and casual whether you're making eyes at the gorgeous guy down the hall or hanging in the sun with friends, you're sure to catch eyes wherever you go...naturally!

When it comes to having fun, Hollywood's party girls haven't got a thing on you, and that's why your signature drink is the Margarita. You've got the charm, charisma, and energy to be the life of any party. No wonder it's a lot easier to picture you in a bathing suit dancing around like crazy in a bar on the beach than in the office working on a spreadsheet. While you might not go overboard with the drinks, your smile and optimistic demeanor always brings the boys and girls a-knockin'.
Leave the serious chats, stuffy attitudes, and quiet nights in to other people: You might switch up your drink choice now and then, but you're still always out to have a great time. Just order something as fun and as you are — and keep the party going!

Some people might say you could stand to work a bit less, but you know a little sweat will get you right to the top. And, hey, if you have a spare second can you help us with our homework? Thanks!

Not bad~~~ I thought I would get some horrible character~~~ hahaha
December 02, 2007
1) heels got trapped in the drain grills for god knows how many times
2) scratched myself using my toe nail (Time to cut those nails)
3) sleep like nobody's business
4) Drank my beloved milk tea from the bottle
Things that didn't happen today =
1) Didn't manage to drink my margarita/ beer
2) Didn't manage to eat a proper lunch
3) Didn't manage to be productive in any sense
Reflection of the day =
1) I should be more productive in every sense
2) drink like nobody's business
3) dance like nobody's business...
Maybe I should ask lydia or clarissa to club on wednesday. Clubbing is calling out for me!
Reflection of the night =
1) I should learn how to pacify guys
2) I should learn how to be a xiao nu ren
3) I should learn how to be less independent.
4) I should cut down on fried food
5) I shouldn't drink milk tea at night
6) I should go on msn less
General reflection =
Have you ever thought of your purpose on earth? Is it just to work to survive like a worker bee or should we utilise our ability to think to think about how we should live our lives. However, does it even make any sense to think how we should live our lives because it may not be even different even if we think about it.
For me, I sort of gave up the passion to live a life because I do not think that it would make any difference whether I die young or old. It's not that I don't treasure my life, it's just that I am quite laid back in things that I do since in the end, it doesn't make a big difference. Everything will just perish as my heart pumps for the last time. I don't believe that there is an afterlife actually because I feel the existence of such word is for people who aren't willing to let go of their lives since they worked too hard for it.
Anyways, I think I want to pick up driving again but have to take the advance theory again. Hai.... very ma fan~~~~ But still, need to pick it up!!! JIA YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not feeling very well these days..... Don't know why..... Body aching all over but still can't sleep. The feeling sucks. Why do I have to fall ill now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Horrible.
December 01, 2007
The Ventures 2004
hearing the songs from this band. Really very good..... I am really tempted to go learn the guitar. Music is calling out for me!
It's been a long time since I touched an instrument man!!!!
November 24, 2007
November 22, 2007
Guys = think my previous hairstyle looks better. Comments gotten so far = face become wider( i admit la.) + mushroom head + ah gong (as in blur blur)
Girls = all that commented said I look better. =D
Thus, girls and guys have vast differenceS in their opinion of my hair. As I am a girl, I shall believe in the comments that the girls gave.
WHO CARES ABOUT GUYS ANYWAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ bleahs
November 21, 2007

Lets101 - Free Online Dating
I do think that to a large degree~~~ my character is like that esp the easily angered part.
November 14, 2007
2. In the process of courtship, the approach that would make you
feel irresistable is moods-swing, blow hot and cold in love,
3. The impression you would like to give to your lover is stylish.
4. What you hate most in your partner is that the person is
ruthless, cold-blooded, and/or ironic.
5. The kind of relationship you would like to build with your
partner is one that you care not only about the present but
also the future with your partner, a long-lasting relationship
that you can grow with.
6. You care about the society and morality, you won't do anything
wrong after marriage.
7. You always want to get married, but in fact, you don't even know
what it really is.
8. At this moment, you are quite self-centered; you think of love as
something you can get and trash anytime you want.
Is this really true? I wonder.........
November 11, 2007
what have I been doing.... I wonder.... whahahaha..... I think nothing lehs.....
but ya..... quite a lot of things happened in my life to the extent that I no longer think I am in control of the situation. As I venture into the unexplored, I start to feel fear..... I wonder should I continue on or should I not continue.
Nowadays, I have been drinking quite a lot.... Hai..... It's not good.... I think I will become a alcoholic mans. Oh my.... Just hope that I will control myself well~~~
Having a slight hangover now.... hahaha...... and so long.... not much to update le. I will see you guys on this blog soon~~
October 09, 2007
October 06, 2007
got to come home early (erms.... not really but still earlier than usual) so decided to come post a blog before i go and shower and all...
SDL nearly killed me on friday and today's lab nearly made me faint today (haha....) cause my ARO overslept and as a result, i cannot do my expt.. boohoo.... i postponed my tuition but in the end can't do expt!!!! so irritating hor.... I'm not really complaining cause i don't really feel like doing expt today too. keke.....
Had hot plate beef today... not fantastic but still.... i love the soy sauce taste.... (i must eat healthier food now......) the seaweed was nice though.... heehee...
Mind is not working very well.... so shall stop here and go to shower and sleep...
October 02, 2007
We are too different and sometimes, I really envy things that you do. My mind slowly opens up with you showing me the way on how to see things from a different angle. There are things that you didn't tell me that made me misunderstand sometimes. There are actions that you do that makes me jealous.
Sometimes, love is without reason but I always sought for a reason behind all these, just to get more lost than before. Fear overwhelms me. The unknown haunts me. Insecurity crawls into me. Even so, you managed to give me a reason to continue on loving you.
Thank you.
September 29, 2007
September 24, 2007
Don't hit me don't hit me....
I know it has been quite a while since I last updated but I have good reasons for it lehs.... heehee...
Actually, the only reasons that I have is that I'm lazy or I'm busy basically and the latter takes a major part of it. Now my project may be able to progress further due to the fact that I might be getting external help and I heard that his lab is good..... SO...... I'm really glad that this had happened. Even though I might not be doing a lot now, BUT I will still persevere to do more..... really need to do whatever it takes to reach my goal....
Glad that we might have an outing with the uni friends and glad that shurong got her part time job too... Life is basically quite good.... although I'm not really happy abt some personal stuff** (shall not elaborate since it may make things worse)
the daily FREE newspaper had a horoscope section saying that I will have to OT and incredibly.... I OT without reading the section.... sometimes, I really believe in horoscopes.....
nowadays, a lot of things go through my mind recently and I do think that I need to change my style of doing work since it has caused a lot of undesirable problems like repeating expts ALOT of time.
random thoughts for today~~~ so long....
September 11, 2007
September 07, 2007
Basically, I am quite unsatisfied with my assignment due to the fact that I found that my statements are incohorent but it was too late to change anything... Haiz..... so must work on the other assignments to pull the grade up!!!!! SO CHAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
For the test, it was rather general knowledge based and I just basically crap la..... really don' t know what the lecturer wants but I am trying my best to write out something "Chemistry". Hopefully it ain't too bad man!
As for my project, think it's a hell of a mess and I'm really in deep trouble man!!!! HAiz..... what should I do now?? Somebody asked me whether I regretted taking up this project and my answer is no. Don't know why but I kind of like it (even though I am not progressing much now) Really must jia you jia you le~!!!
OH yea!!!! join facebook man!!! quite fun to play with [other than the mundane friendster that we had for like years already(o ____o)] You can do things like "Send people gifts, throw sheep and turn people into vampire!!!!" SO FUN MAN..... must try for at least one day arh.~~~
Not really in a good mood actually, don't know why also... maybe lack of sleep or something like that..... However, tomorrow meeting pri sch mates!!!! Loooking forward to it and hope that it would be fruitful~~~~ It has been too long since we last met up! =D
September 01, 2007
this is written by the person who posted this song so not sure whether correct. Order seems abit different from normal. But quite nice!!! maybe will learn it!
Actually, I have a lot of things to write but then arh.... I dropped on my bed too fast before I could reach the blogger address to write down the events on that day. Was also feeling quite worn out these days.... Don't know why too but my lab frens all commented I looked quite tired and xiu wei commented that I look like walking zombie one day.
So... I suppose I need more rest nowadays so I have managed to convince myself to rest abit more than usual so that my efficiency to do work might not be compromised. Hopefully.... It Works!!!! *cross fingers***
Got assignment and test this coming week and I have not done anything!!!! DIE LIAO LE LA!!!! must jia you jia you le!!! see you guys soon~~~~~
August 15, 2007
The pharmaco module seemingly don't have any lecture notes. I am seriously going to be very sad if there really ain't any notes since I really don't want to write a lot of words during lecture.
I have also pushed my tuition to tomorrow since I was feeling rather sians and my tuition kid seems to be happy with the arrangement! Heehee.....
Dissociation dissociation dissociation~~~~ That's pretty much what I do now..... HAHAHAHAH..... Seems like an easy life now and I'm really glad that I don't much politics in my lab or else things will get complicated by quite abit..... *shivers**
Anyway, school have started and I have started to be more busy than ever. Alternating between lab and school and lab and school...... super busy even though school started just 2 days ago.
However, my chem lecture is rather horrible mans..... I seriously want to sleep... I don't know why but it really puts me on the mood to sleep. BUT it didn't happen so I'm glad. It's the introduction lecture so actually, it doesn't really matter.... Hahaha......
Something special about this year is that I finally got my hands on the NUSSU DIARY because one of my lectures ended early so I just went to get a copy of it. I must say that the design this year is really quite impressive and what's more amazing is that it's done by an undergraduate!!!! I am really impressed and kudos to whoever it is!!! It really looked professional to me.
I think I'm going to lab late tomorrow!!! TIRED MANS!!!!!!!!
chao chao~~~
August 03, 2007
July 28, 2007
Hmm...... I am still in the state of shock.....
Girl, if you are reading my blog, do come out for a lunch with xiu wei, yi hong and me. Maybe things can be worked out since the deadline is still not up yet. It's really a big step I think but if you want to go ahead with your decision, I wish you best of luck. It really takes a lot of courage to make such a decision and I respect you for that.
Hmmm...... I'll update later then....
July 21, 2007
Just started my project and having fun and irritating days. I'm really glad that I have friends that I know that are in that lab too. heehee.... so it's easier to get along actually.
Currently, I'm still playing my DS and i absolutely love mario and luigi: partners in time!!!!!!!!! SUPER FUN!!!!!! A MUST TRY FOR ALL!!!!
ALso played abit of trauma centre and having problems doing one operation.....
I love my DS!!!! and didn't regret getting onE!!!
CORS is starting soon!!!!! Stress Stress~~~~~ hope that I can successfully get the modules that I want! Hope to be in the same lecture groups with xiu wei, yi hong and soo yong. hopefully can arh!!!!
so long.... still got tuition to go to.
July 01, 2007
June 24, 2007
那天我也很幸运的看到她的妹妹而且超级可爱呢!! 真希望自己也有美美的妹妹但我觉得机会渺茫吧。 哈哈哈。。。。
June 17, 2007
I'm sure everybody should know of the existence of pokemon...... I used to play it when the first version (I think should be red version) came out. Was able to complete it that time and I remember it was black and white in colour because it was played on gameboy.
After that, I think I played a little bit of yellow version and didn't play anymore because they keep changing the characters and I no longer feel it is original anymore until....... I PLAYED the PEARL version. I do admit that the pokemons changed quite abit but the story has lots of fun elements in it!
For example, there's team battle whereby we can connect to wifi to play with other people. There is also team battles where sometimes, there are people who join you or when there are two enemies that come out, we get to choose two characters from our side! However, the story is likely to be the same as far as I have played. AND THE BEST PART IS+++++ it is in colour!!!! It makes the game much more appealing than ever~~~~ we are not talking about gameboy colour but DS colour~~~~
so that's my new craze!!! someone please advice me whether I should buy anot man cause I really have the urge now!!!
June 09, 2007
前几天都忙着工作,让我又累又悃。。。 但今天跟爸,妈和弟弟去吃delifrance而且买了一台电风扇!终于有了属于自己的电风扇, 好开心!!
fan(left) buttons(right)
English now~~~ I can't stand writing in chinese today.... It's kinda like a torture to me.... Anyway, this freaking fan is freaking white in colouR!!! It is cool but have to wash quite regularly or else it will look freaking dirty and affect my image of being a clean girl =p
BUT, what really amaze me is the button!!! Personally, I have never seen any fans with this kind of button before.... Anyone having this kind of buttons on their fan should tell me about it so that I would know how "un-updated" am I. But to me..... IT'S STILL FREAKING COOL.... MUAHAHHAA!!!!!!!
From what I heard..... the brand that I bought (KDK) is kinda good in quality so next time if you guys wanna buy fan, remember this brand hor....
It's the first time that I set up a fan and I made a HORRIBLE DISCOVERY!!! And that is............ Actually the both covering of the blades can be taken out!!!!
LAST TIME, I used to bring the whole fan into the bathroom and clean it because I thought the back covering cannot be taken out! Really very dumb of me~~~ Hai...... I think a lot of people will die laughing after looking at this post man..... But at least I learn now... so don't laugh too hardly hor....
Oh ya... Forgot to mention... It's the first time in my life that I ordered tea in delifrance.... Not something fabulous but I think I would order tea regularly next time when I go to delifrance... It ain't as bad as I thought since they serve lipton tea. The reason for the sudden change of taste is as follows:
Hot chocolate and cinnamon are both currently too sweet for me now and I get kinda sick of them and so I would be contented with lipton tea and kaya baguette.
That's the update for today~~~ so tune in for more tomorrow because I'm going to eat 火锅today!!!!! (BE JEALOUS>>>>> VERY JEALOUS!!!! )
p/s: I think my writings are a little too hyper but I'm sure you guys can take it right? Hahaha......Also.... think of why there is a rhythm button on the fan..... I will give you an answer soon~~
June 08, 2007
June 04, 2007
Really need to start driving man.... I freaking spent 9 dollars travelling around Singapore today... Now I know where my money went~~~~~ (MONEY!!!!) Need to also get a new pair of slippers man~~~ Mine are old and dirty and I'm sure a lot of people are complaining already.
Oh man...... Life's short and I really need to do lots of things man.... Jia you~~~~
May 31, 2007
do u make a good couple? |
![]() ![]() Lovely Couple You are the couple that people can't help but be jealous about. You have the most romantic dates. Candle light dinners, star gazing, ballroom dancing. You truly love each other. |
How do you compare? Take this test! | Tests from Testriffic |
May 30, 2007

You're a Steady Supporter
What Kind of Girlfriend Are You?
Brought to you by Tickle
Stand by your man — that's just something you naturally do. Once you've committed to a relationship, you are a constant companion who enjoys the comfort and stability that comes from being a couple. Not quick to judge, accuse, or think the worst, you have a lot of trust (in him and in yourself), and you rarely worry about where he is or who he's with.For you, mutual respect is of utmost importance. You are comfortable and confident in your own skin, making you a great pillar of strength in all your relationships. Whether he's striving to climb a mountain or land a promotion, you have his back. Best part is, you know he's got yours too.
May 25, 2007
Your Inner Blood Type is Type A |
![]() You are most compatible with: A and AB Famous Type A's: Britney Spears and Hilter |
my real blood type is B. Whether it is true anot really depends on how you see it... haha.....
May 24, 2007
They are so freaking cute!!!
May 21, 2007
my parents are starting to ask me when am I going to find a job and that kind of stuff.... HAI>>>>>> Just when the results are coming out..... I told them that I will start finding a job when I get my results (easier to write resume ba...). Maybe some of you don't want me to say it but nevertheless.... It's coming out on friday at 1900h. HAI>>>>>> My fate sealed upon this day.... haha......
Getting nightmares because of this and also dreamt about swirling swimming pools... sometimes i really wonder why do I have such dreams sometimes.....

Create your own Friend Test here
May 16, 2007
With unlimited access to almost any sites(except for youtube and hotmail), this is one cool phone that gets me itching for it(I mean seriously). I think the model that I got my hands on is one from the 8700 series. Don't ask me whether it's new or not because I'm not a blackberry person, for obvious reasons.(If it still ain't obvious to you, the blackberry is freaking expensive and have functions that I would not be able to use if I do not subscribe to freaking expensive service aka 100 bucks per month)
Unless I am a freaking busy person who needs to receive emails or need to know the stock market at my fingertips, this phone will be rendered useless and bloodsucking... However, I cannot be sure for the future because this is what I aspire to be in the future. Hahaha.... But most importantly, I need to start reading up a lot of things in order to climb the ladder. Thus, give me your moral support if you want a rich friend in the future. :P

As I was watching Animal planet and Discovery channel yesterday, I was thinking maybe I could write some of the contents here to share it with you guys. :D
Firstly, do you know that the smelliest animal on Earth is not the skunk?? Surprising, the skunk was the second on the list and whala......
The champion for this title is the Tasmanian Devil. According to information from wikipedia, it lives on an Australian island of Tasmania and is a meat-eating marsupial (other animals that are marsupials: kangaroo and koala bears). It is also currently facing extinction due to a disease known as Devil facial tumour disease, which interferes with their ability to eat due to the fact that the tumour grows around the mouth, thus death follows prolong starvation.
For more information about this interesting animal, please go to wikipedia for the full report.
Oh ya.... I nearly forgot... The third on the list is wolverine. The only thing that comes into my mind was Wolverine from X-men. Quite a comparison , I would say.... Haha......

Yi hong, I did not forget about the post that you pasted just that I'm pretty lazy about finding six people... I will do it asap~~ :D
May 14, 2007
Your Personality Is |
You are sensible, down to earth, and goal oriented.Bottom line, you are good at playing by the rules. You tend to be dominant - and you are a natural leader.You are interested in rules and order. Morals are important to you. A hard worker, you give your all at whatever you do.You're very serious, and people often tell you to lighten up. In love, you tend to take things carefully and slowly. At work, you are suited to almost any career - but you excel in leadership positions. With others, you tend to be polite and formal. As far as looks go, you are traditionally attractive. You take good care of yourself. On weekends, you tend to like to do organized activities. In fact, you often organize them! |
I wish that this is true~~~
You Are a Pundit Blogger! |
![]() |
I'm not too sure about whether this is true but I don't really want to care about it too.. hahaha....
May 11, 2007
May 09, 2007
May 08, 2007
我的心里又有如天使与恶魔搏斗着,有一方希望自己能够有多一点读者而另一方却渴望保留给自己看。。。 总觉得让别人太了解自己好恐怖哦因为如果世上真有此人, 我觉得自己会惶然失措,不置可否。我一直相信,最了解自己的人应该是自己吧而如果这个位置被别人取代的话,我想我的思绪会突然失去条理。。。
但有时候,我又想让身边的人了解我的所作所为并且得到谅解。也许是星座的关系,或者是性格所在,总觉得朋友不是很了解我而这让我觉得有点无法释怀,总觉得自己得做些事来拉近与朋友的距离。。。不知道做了这些事是否会有帮助, 也许我只是一厢情愿,也许是我想得太多。。。
May 07, 2007
I have started on my job search but the results were not as great as I thought they would be. Really hope to get a part time job and earn some money so that I will be able to go on a holiday....
Maybe all of us should go for a holiday ba~~~ It's a good way of relief for everyone and to have a new headstart again~~
May 06, 2007
May 05, 2007
这一次或许是我们最后一次以同学的身份聚在一起了。 从今以后,各自人马会走向自己所选择的人生并且追寻自己的梦想。因为不知道何时何日又能再重逢而感到惆怅。 这不是一种失落感而是一种不舍的心情。也许这种想法只是暂时性的,也许时间会淡化这一切,或者我们还是会常常见面还是或者。。。 这一切都不在我所掌控之中而只有时间才会让我们知道未来到底会演变成什么样子。
时间好像已成为疗伤的最佳解药, 特别是思绪上的伤痕。 无型伤害的解药或许是人类永远不能提炼出来的,也有可能只有自己才能够让自己康复。但又有几个人能办到呢?许多人因为过不了这一关而不辛牺牲自己的生命或让周遭的人非常困惑。你呢?你是否会让自己康复吗?
May 03, 2007
April 28, 2007
而当雨滴渐渐的变少,一股清新的感觉仿佛包围了我, 让我感到焕然一新。。。我喜欢这种洗礼的感觉,好像是把乌黑的城市清理一番,让它拥有一个新的面貌, 让我们有从新在认识这个城市的感觉。
当泪水一滴滴的掉下,我们也许渴望的是某人给予我们的温暖, 的关怀。。。
April 21, 2007
时间慢慢的溜走,有些人认为这是慢性自杀, 有些人却以比较乐观的方式去看待这件事情。而我觉得这是一个有如杯子装了一半的水。 是否会觉得这是只被填了一半的杯子或是一个原本空的杯子已被填了一半的水?这不是新的论学而我只是想用它来表达我的感受。
March 28, 2007
March 26, 2007
Did a puzzle yesterday and decided to share with you guys!

I am starting to pick up some line art drawings due to this guy who drew this picture. Can you believe that he uses pencil to draw this picture?!!!

Wanna do somemore puzzle and who is willing to sponser me a puzzle? heehee.....
Exams are coming and I still have tests and reports to do. Time to do them now!!!